Take Julia everywhere you go in this fun little suitcase. To add to the fun, you assemble this little bedroom 'to go' yourself! Designed by Karina Schaapman, the adorable suitcase comes printed with wallpaper and floor. Simply put together the wooden furniture pieces and make the bed with the ready-made mattress, blanket, pillow and mini Teddybear as the finishing touch! Use the sticker sheet to decorate your room and the die-cuts to create paper miniatures like lampshades, plants and little boxes. Contents:
- Suitcase
- Wooden furniture sheets to assemble (Bed, desk, stool, shelf, toy)
- Miniature Teddy bear
- Handmade mattress, pillow and blanket
- Sticker Sheet, Die-Cuts Sheet
- Plus 1 x Plush Julia Mouse Doll